
About The Dallas A&M Club

The Dallas A&M Club is chartered by The Association of Former Students to serve the Aggie Network in all of Dallas County.  Much of the work of The Association is done through local A&M Clubs; these A&M Clubs form the foundation for many programs at The Association.

Local Activities

We coordinate all organized former student activity in Dallas County.  In addition, our club provides each former student in the area an opportunity to be a member, to add something to the group, and to receive something of value from the relationship.


We raise and provide scholarship funds for deserving students in the Dallas area who are attending Texas A&M!

2024 Dallas A&M Club Officers

Kathlyn McGuill '14

Business Luncheons

Jason Berry '15


Josh McKay '17

Immediate Past President

Mike Henderson '92

Vice President-Finance
Coach’s Night

David Lawhorne '86

Vice President-Operations

Claire Barber '20

Aggies for Dallas

Sarah Troy '20

Aggies for Dallas

Sarah Gilliam '20

Crawfish Boil

Nathan Baumgartner '22

Crawfish Boil

Chase Keilers '21

Golf Classic

Chris Hudnall '15

Golf Classic
Clay Shoot

Brandon Tomlin '22

Golf Classic

Misty Watkins '00


Bryce McDaniel '13

Social Activities

Hannah Smith '19

Social Media

Calvin Strain '13

Social Media

2024 Dallas A&M Club Board of Directors

Carl Baggett '96
Mike Baggett '68
Bill Carter '69
Riley Couch '71
Mike Henderson '92
Brant Ince '91
Patti Jaggars '83
David Lawhorne '86
Holly Pritchard Mahurin '95
McCrea Miller '95
Bill O'Dwyer '79
Jim Patterson '79
Courtney Crawford Slater '91
William Taylor '96
Misty Watkins '00